Extended DMD with control for chaotic duffing oscillator

Forced duffing oscillator: This is example adapted from Nathan Kutz’s course https://faculty.washington.edu/kutz/am568/am568.html), with dynamics given by:

\[\begin{split}\dot{x}_{1} = x_2,\\ \dot{x}_2 = -\delta x_2 - \alpha x_1 -\beta x_1^3 + u\end{split}\]

with damped case \(d=0.02,\alpha=-1, \beta=1\)

%matplotlib inline
import pykoopman as pk
from pykoopman.common.examples import forced_duffing, rk4, sine_wave  # required for example system
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rnd
np.random.seed(42)  # for reproducibility

import warnings

Training data: a training dataset is created consisting of 200 trajectories, each trajectory is integrated for 1000 timesteps and forced by a random actuation in the range \([-1,1]\). Each trajectory starts at a random initial condition in the unit box \([-1,1]^2\).

n_states = 2 # Number of states
n_inputs = 1 # Number of control inputs
dT = 0.01    # Timestep
n_traj = 200  # Number of trajectories
n_int = 1000  # Integration length

d = 0.02   # chaotic case
# Time vector
t = np.arange(0, n_int*dT, dT)

# Uniform random distributed forcing in [-1, 1]
u = 2*rnd.random([n_int, n_traj])-1

# Uniform distribution of initial conditions
x = 2*rnd.random([n_states, n_traj])-1

# Init
U = np.zeros((n_inputs, n_int*n_traj))
U = u.reshape(1,-1)
# Integrate to get data
model_fd = forced_duffing(dt=t[1]-t[0], d=d, alpha=-1, beta=1)
X,Y = model_fd.collect_data_discrete(x, n_int, u)
# Visualize first 100 steps of the training data
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, tight_layout=True, figsize=(12, 4))
for traj_idx in range(n_traj):
    x = X[:, traj_idx::n_traj]
    axs[0].plot(t[0:100], x[0, 0:100], 'k',alpha=0.3)
    axs[1].plot(t[0:100], x[1, 0:100], 'k',alpha=0.3)
axs[0].set(ylabel=r'$x_1$', xlabel=r'$t$')
axs[1].set(ylabel=r'$x_2$', xlabel=r'$t$')
[Text(0, 0.5, '$x_2$'), Text(0.5, 0, '$t$')]

EDMDc model: The observables (or lifting functions) for the Koopman model are chosen to be the state itself (\(\psi_1 = x_1,\psi_2=x_2\)) (by setting include_states=True below, which is also the default) and thin plate radial basis functions with centers selected randomly.

EDMDc = pk.regression.EDMDc()
RBF = pk.observables.RadialBasisFunction(rbf_type='thinplate', n_centers=10, centers=None, kernel_width=1.0, polyharmonic_coeff=1.0, include_state=True)

model = pk.Koopman(observables=RBF, regressor=EDMDc)
model.fit(X.T, y=Y.T, u=U.T)
Koopman(observables=RadialBasisFunction(centers=array([[-1.14181561,  0.1678925 , -1.64580475, -0.71559034, -1.41121354,
         0.47445955,  1.67384157, -1.64781427,  1.48161599,  1.00166517],
       [ 0.15161265,  1.26166734, -0.73647849, -1.22065386,  0.80759382,
        -1.00411035,  0.94220401,  1.17554477, -0.66000634,  1.0255258 ]]),

Compare prediction accuracy of Koopman model on a test trajectory

In the following, the trained model is used to perform a multi-step prediction from a given initial condition. The prediction is compared with the true trajectory when integrating the nonlinear system. Moreover, we will use a sine wave as input signal, which mimics the classic chaotic forced duffing oscillator (where cos wave is used.)

n_int = 5000  # Integration length
t = np.arange(0, n_int*dT, dT)
u = np.array([-sine_wave(step+1) for step in range(n_int)])
x = np.array([0.5, -0.5])
# x = np.array([[-0.1], [-0.5]])

# Integrate nonlinear system

Xtrue = np.zeros((n_states, n_int))
Xtrue[:, 0] = x
Xtrue = model_fd.simulate(Xtrue[:,0:1], n_int, u[:,np.newaxis])

Predict using Koopman model

# Multi-step prediction with Koopman/EDMDc model
Xkoop = model.simulate(x[np.newaxis,:], u[:, np.newaxis], n_steps=n_int-1)
Xkoop = np.vstack([x[np.newaxis,:], Xkoop]) # add initial condition to simulated data for comparison below

Plot the results

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, tight_layout=True, figsize=(12, 6))
axs[0].plot(t, u, '-k')
axs[1].plot(t, Xtrue[0, :], '-', color='b', label='True')
axs[1].plot(t, Xkoop[:, 0], '--r', label='EDMDc')
axs[2].plot(t, Xtrue[1, :], '-', color='b', label='True')
axs[2].plot(t, Xkoop[:, 1], '--r', label='EDMDc')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1ef2a50ea10>

Conclusion: 1) the Koopman model is only short time accurate, which makes sense. 2) the Koopman model exhibits simple periodic predictions in the long run

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